Website Manager

Are you in the market for a Website Manager? Look no further, I can help you with that!

A Website Manager is an excellent option for those that already have a website. As a manager, I assist clients with updates and tweaks to their site. Many web companies will have you believe that each time you change companies, you need to build a new website. That simply isn’t true. If you have a website that is working well for you and drawing you traffic, maybe you just need a manager.

One of the benefits of having Laura Gunn Marketing as your manager is that you only pay when you are having work done. This is a completely different model than most companies use. Most website companies charge you a monthly fee whether they are actually doing anything or not. It is the standard model and frankly it costs you far more than it should. Why should you pay a company when they aren’t doing anything for you?

Truth is, most updates are quick and easy. Paying $300, $500, and more per month just for your site to exist is a waste of your money. Don’t do it!

Give me a call and let’s talk about your needs and goals. My experience and methods of working will help you achieve your goals and save you money. Contact me, today!

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Bertram, Texas
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